Updated version of my previous creature. I've based it more off an Eel this time as I like the idea of it could possibly swim. I've given it a couple of patterns around it's body since it looked a little too plain.
I changed the jaw around so now it's inside the shell and when it eats something it will either use its tongue or hands to insert it into the mouth and just swallow it whole, it can also bite with it's upper jaw by slamming it's head into the victim, while the shell protects it's head from any danger that might strike from above. I made the arms all bone much like an armor sort of thing, it has arms which sits inside the bone, along with two fingers on each hand. Now to explain the bone shell around it, I customized it around from my original concept of the head and thought I'd make it protection of the creature. So inside all the bone is a squiggly snake eel thing 8D.
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