The first is this mammal-like.. thing :P
it's quite a low level creature and will be available at approximately level 3-4
it'd natural habitat is around the cooler edges of the H'Rika Desert region, it lives in small communities underground, illuminated by the large luminescent bulb protruding from its back, this bulb is filled with an unstable liquid fire that is used for illumination and also intimidation, if the creature is intimidated it can swell the bulb making it shine brighter.
although from time to time, they can swell too much and explode in a powerful blast, is it has been known to happen that when an intruder attacks a colony, the resulting explosion can destroy entire islands

And secondly is a higher level Sol creation, this creature lives alone wandering scorched mountainous regions, it is feared by many and is known by its horrifying call.
it burns the ground as it walks, ever pushing forward Sol's territory, the vertical halo of fire located on it's head is a direct representation of the sun's corona, it can fire a powerful fire arc that ignites everything in it touches leaving embers

more to come!
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